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Contest Description

The Single Service Award program shall provide recognition to individual Key Clubs for their single best project. A qualifying single service project shall be defined as a club service project, planned, organized and produced by the Key Club occurring on a single day, consecutive days, or recurring on different days. In the case of a recurring project, it is the same project that must be repeated for the purpose of achieving the same service goal.

Contest Rules

  1. A qualifying single service project shall be defined as a club service project, planned, organized and produced by the Key Club occurring on a single day, consecutive days, or recurring on different days. In the case of a recurring project, it is the same project that must be repeated for the purpose of achieving the same service goal.

  2. Entries shall use the official Single Service Report form and shall be submitted to the district for competition according to the guidelines as set by the district. Clubs existing within a non-districted area shall submit their entries to Key Club International.

  3. Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within four membership categories: Bronze, being 35 members or less; Silver, being 36 to 60 members; Gold, being 61 to 85 members; and Platinum, being 86 members or more.

  4. Entries shall be judged based upon an accumulated total of points allocated to the following categories: Service need: 10 points Project plan: 20 points Project implementation: 20 pointsFinal results: 25 points Public awareness: 10 points Member participation: 15 points.

  5. Only activities which occurred from district convention to district convention shall be included on the report. Clubs existing within a non- districted area shall report activities occurring between May 1 and the following April 30.

  6. Judging of all entries within each district shall determine one first place winner, and other levels of recognition as deemed appropriate, in each membership category. Each first place report should be forwarded to Key Club International for competition with other first place winners. No changes may be made in the report by the club, district or judging committee. 

  7. All entries from non-districted clubs shall be judged to also produce a first place winner in each category. Reports must be received by the first Friday in May.

  8. An entry may be disqualified by the judges for reporting incorrect or false information or failure to submit a report according to the rules of the district’s competition. Any disqualification at the district level requires the approval of the district administrator or his/her designee. An entry may be disqualified by the judges at the International level for the same reasons, and any disqualification requires the approval of the International Director.

  9. Suitable recognition should be provided to clubs achieving first place and other places at district and International levels of competition. At each level of judging, the decisions of the judges are final. No changes, alterations or re-grading will take place after the results have been certified by the judges.


Please note: The same project should not be submitted for Single Service, Major Emphasis, and Signature Service contests.

In order to best comply with the contest rules, we recommend using our Single Service Report Template.

Submission Options

Upload this form with materials no later than March 15, 2024 on this online submission form.

NOTE: a scanned copy of the signed entry form must be included.

Due Date

Friday, March 15, 2024

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